I seldom offer readers advice on blogging. I struggle enough myself to consider that I am not a sound computer reference. This was brought to my attention by those nice little blog reminders which appear when you finalise your post. (no nasty remarks please) This is the first time I came across this Tips and Tricks Google banner and feel it well worth sharing.
Link to blog speed-up from the wizards:
1. Google's Help:Tips and Tricks
2. Stopwatch The Google recommended Tool
As a bonus I checked the following Google note well worth sharing:
3. Speed through cleaning your computor
Well enjoy - there is quite a bit of PC maintenance and blog design work to be done!
Interaction balance optimization in multidisciplinary design optimization
Debiao Meng, Xiaoling Zhang, Yuan-Jian Yang, Huanwei Xu, Hong-Zhong Huang
Mar 1, 2016; 24:48-57
Standard Article
Il y a 8 ans